A blood glucose test will measure the amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood. The amount is usually measured in mg/dL (milligrams (mg) per decilitre (dL)).
Sometimes, blood sugar is measured in mmol/L (Millimoles Per Litre). Your blood glucose level in Millimoles is 3.6 mmol/L.
Blood Sugar Test

64 mg/dL Blood Glucose - what does it mean?
For a Person With Diabetes
- Hypoglycemia - your blood sugar is too low!
For a Person Without Diabetes
- Hypoglycemia can also be experienced by people without diabetes. High levels of stress, physical acitivies (eg sports) and meals with a high glycemic index (that cause a higher insulin release) can cause your blood sugar to fall.
More Information
Being in a generalized hypoglycemic state with a reading of 40 - 70 mg /dl is no less dangerous than when it is below 40 mg/dl. Abnormally low blood sugar occurs when the brain is starved of glucose because of poor diabetes management such as skipping meals or not taking insulin or diabetes medication. Ignoring the early signs of lowered blood sugar is also another risk factor. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include weakness, fatigue, nausea, hunger, shakiness, lightheadedness, sweating, dizziness, and confusion.
Short of resulting in a coma, abnormally low blood sugar can lead to loss of consciousness or seizure. Diabetics experiencing hypoglycemia are encouraged to follow their treatment plan to eliminate this condition and prevent it from reoccurring. As in the case of dangerously low blood sugar, taking glucose tablets or a fast-acting source of sugar can quickly boost blood sugar levels. Follow up with a meal of bread, rice, or cereal and monitor blood sugar every 20 minutes.